Online Distance Learning
IVCC delivers classes in a variety of formats:
Internet, Fully Online Classes
Virtual Class Meetings Classes
Blended (Online and In-Person) Classes
In-Person Classes
In-Person Classes with Virtual Class Meeting or Flexible Attendance
Check your class schedule and know if/when your classes meet on campus or online. Pay attention to section numbers, locations, and meeting information.
Visit for tips on searching the class schedule for online, virtual, blended, and in-person classes.
Flex Classes
In-person or blended classes with virtual meeting and/or flexible attendance options.
These classes are not identified in the class schedule. Contact the instructor with questions.
Visit for a list of flex classes.
Internet, Fully Online Classes
Delivered via the internet with dates and deadlines but no specific meeting times online or in-person.
Section Name and Title: Sections starting with 100, up to 149
Location: IN - Internet Classes
Meeting Information: Start and End Dates, Internet Days to be Announced, Times to be Announced On-line, Room LINE
Virtual Class Meetings Classes
Delivered via the internet with specific online live meeting times. Students need a webcam and microphone to participate in online live meetings.
Section Name and Title: Sections starting with 170 (daytime) or 370 (evening)
Location: VCM - Virtual Class Meetings
Meeting Information: Start and End Dates, Virtual Class Meeting (Day/s), Start Time, End Time, Room ON-LINE.
Blended Classes
Delivered both via the internet and in a classroom on campus. Time in the classroom is reduced by the time spent online.
Section Name and Title: Sections starting with 150
Location: BMC - Blended Main Campus, BOT - Blended Ottawa Center
Meeting Information: Start and End Dates, Blended (Day/s), Start Time, End Time, On-line, Room LINE, Room Location/Number. This may also include lecture/lab section meeting information.
In-Person/On-Campus Classes
A traditional in-person class held in a classroom on campus.
Section Name and Title: Sections starting with 01
Location: MC - Main Campus, OC - Ottawa Center
Meeting Information: Start and End Dates, Lecture (Day/s), Start Time, End Time, Room Location/Number.
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