Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission

Illinois Valley Community College provides a high-quality, accessible, and affordable education that inspires individuals and our community to thrive.

Our Vision

Illinois Valley Community College is the preferred gateway to advance individual and community success.

Curricular Purposes

Illinois Valley Community College sets forth the following curricular purposes consistent with its mission.

  1. We offer the successful completion of courses and degrees required for effective transfer to baccalaureate degree programs.
  2. We offer occupational/technical courses, certificates and degrees leading directly to successful employment or transfer into baccalaureate degree programs.
  3. We offer courses and academic support services designed to prepare students to succeed in college-level coursework.
  4. We offer continuing education courses and community activities that encourage lifelong learning and contribute to the growth and enrichment of students in our community.
  5. We offer student support services to assist in developing personal, social, academic and career goals.
  6. We offer academic and student support programs designed to supplement and enhance teaching and learning.

Programs and Services

Illinois Valley Community College provides programs and services pertinent to the success of students enrolling at the college, community groups, organizations and individuals.

  1. We offer comprehensive instructional support and student development services to assist students in discovering, establishing, and attaining their educational, vocational, and personal goals.
  2. We offer a comprehensive program for students of cocurricular activities designed to promote and encourage cultural improvements, citizenship responsibilities and physical and social skills.
  3. We offer a comprehensive program to accommodate the special academic, social and physical needs of students.
  4. We offer cultural awareness and understanding of diversity within our global community by providing cultural and recreational leadership and enrichment activities.
  5. We offer community service efforts to provide support to business, industry, agriculture, education and social agencies in order to meet community needs and assist in economic development.