Institutional Learning Outcomes

Illinois Valley Community College’s Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) are used to assess knowledge, skills, and abilities across college curricula. The Higher Learning Commission indicates a general education “imparts broad knowledge and intellectual concepts to students and develops skills and attitudes that the institution believes every college-educated person should possess.” IVCC’s ILOs help demonstrate how students earning degrees and certificates from IVCC have the knowledge, skills, and abilities that college educated people should possess in order to contribute to their careers and communities. In 2020, IVCC approved Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) to replace the college’s General Education Goals, which were in place to assess general education between 2014 and 2020.

  • ILO#1 - Communication

    To communicate effectively

  • ILO#2 - Inquiry

    To apply critical, logical, creative, aesthetic, or quantitative analytical reasoning to formulate a judgment or conclusion

  • ILO#3 - Social Consciousness

    To understand what it means to be a socially conscious person, locally and globally

  • ILO#4 - Responsibility

    To recognize how personal choices affect self and society