Reasonable Accommodations for Students

  1. Students interested in receiving academic accommodations must first present documentation or evidence to the Coordinator for the Center for Accessibility and Neurodiversity.  It is the Coordinator’s job to determine: 1) if documentation is appropriate and complete, 2) whether the student is a qualified student with a disability, 3) which accommodations would be reasonable and appropriate based on documentation and evidence.
  2. Ideally, documentation should be presented at least two weeks before the start of a new class. For students who have a hearing impairment and are in need of an interpreter, a one-month notice is required. The Center for Accessibility and Neurodiversity Office will make all reasonable attempts to arrange accommodations and services in a timely manner. However, it should be noted that  sign language interpreters and in-person note taking services may take several weeks to procure.
  3. The student must make an intake appointment with the Center Coordinator to discuss eligibility, strengths, needs, and possible accommodations and/or support services.
  4. Students will fill out an intake application and appropriate releases and forms, as necessary.
  5. If documentation is sufficient, and a student has a qualifying disability, accommodation paperwork will be completed and procedures will be explained.
  6. Accommodation letters will be electronically sent to both student and instructor.  The student will then be responsible for ensuring instructors have received accommodation letters, and for discussing any accommodation logistics. 
  7. Students will need to request accommodations each semester.