Illinois Valley Community College has an "open door" admission policy. Any high school graduate or mature person with equivalent educational background is eligible for admission. Admission to most programs is open. Some programs have additional requirements for admission. Please refer to the specific program for details.
- "Full-time" status is equivalent to 12 semester hours or more in a semester.
- "Part-time" status is equivalent to 11 semester hours or less in a semester.
If you have never completed high school: You may enroll for part-time or full-time. (Students who have discontinued high school may enroll after their high school class has graduated or may obtain a certificate of severance from the superintendent or principal in the high school district in order to begin IVCC courses earlier.)
International Students are strongly urged to have a local sponsor in the IVCC district at the time of application. Admission requests should be made directly to the Admissions, Records, and Transfer Services Office. Specific requirements will be mailed. International student packets and forms are available at All forms, requirements, and information must be completed before the Form I-20 is issued.
High School Student Enrollment: It is the policy of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College that current high school students, ages 16 and older, will be permitted to attend IVCC. Such students wishing to take college courses during the regular high school day must submit written authorization from their designated high school official detailing the number of courses and/or semester hours and the particular courses for which the student wishes to enroll. Additionally, such students must take and pass any necessary placement exams. Transfer-related questions can be discussed with an IVCC counselor.
Students under the age of 16 who wish to enroll in any courses must petition the Vice President for Student Services. Information, including the appropriate forms, can be obtained by calling (815) 224-0361 or contacting Counseling Center,, Room CTC 202.
Students who are at least 16 years of age who no longer attend high school and do not have verification of a severed relationship with their high school must wait until their high school class graduates to enroll at IVCC.
Home schooled students: Students who have been home schooled must provide transcripts and/or GED scores (if available). Students not having either of these documents must contact the Office of Admissions and Records.
Students must take any necessary placement exams. Transfer-related questions can be discussed with an IVCC Counselor.
Home schooled students who wish to enroll in any courses before their official completion of high school curriculum must follow the same process as listed above.
*Exceptional circumstances may be reviewed by petitioning the Vice President for Student Services. The form for appeal is available in the Counseling Center and the Admissions Office.