Textbook Buyback and Rental Return

In person Textbook Buyback and Rental Return are held at the same time, in the hall outside the Bookstore, during final exams each semester.

Online Buyback is offered 365/24/7 at ivccbookstore.com

Signs will be posted around the college and in the Bookstore noting the date and times of the buyback. The $20 deposit will be refunded for rental books. Textbooks purchased by the IVCC Bookstore must be in good condition and adopted for the next semester. These will be repurchased at 50% of the new price at the beginning of the term subject to the following conditions:

  • Textbooks that have been revised by the publisher and textbooks in poor condition will not be bought back (highlighting and margin notes are acceptable; written or circled answers and loose or missing pages are not).
  • The bookstore reserves the right to limit quantities on any title based on current inventory.
  • Titles that have not been re-adopted or that exceed the bookstore's limits will be repurchased at the current wholesale market value if there is one. Old editions, however, do not usually have any market value.
  • Textbooks used by a student for a class that he or she drops after the tenth day of the semester must be held for the term ending buyback.

For more information on the IVCC Bookstore and its policies, please visit our website at www.ivccbookstore.com (https://www.ivccbookstore.com).