Radiologic Technology Program (Cooperative) Associate in Applied Science

Admission To Sauk Valley Community College (SVCC)

Radiologic Technology is a limited admission program at SVCC. Minimum academic and other criteria must be met in order to apply by March 1 (priority application deadline) or June 1 (as space allows) for fall only program admission. Students transferring from IVCC should typically plan on a minimum of one year at IVCC completing general education and/or application requirements before transferring to Sauk Valley Community College for their degree in Radiology. All students are required to attend one Radiologic Technology Informational meeting before applying. This meeting includes all required forms including the SVCC application and transcript evaluation process. Students are encouraged to apply for program admission as soon as they are eligible for application. Enrollment to the program is limited to 24-26 students each fall. Admission is based on several factors including a minimum grade point average of 2.5. Only courses used in the program for admission or bonus points are used in calculating the GPA for admission. Once the student is admitted to the program at Sauk, the length is 4 semesters and 1 summer session. Most hospitals within our district participate as clinical sites. By attending the Radiologic Technology Informational Meeting at Sauk and meeting with an IVCC counselor you will receive the most relevant information about admission.

For more information,

Any semester prior to program start

IAI Course
ALH 1001The Terminology of The Health Field


Total Credit Hours:3

Fall semester, first year

IAI Course
BIO 1007Anatomy & Physiology I


ENG 1001English Composition I


C1 900



FYE 101


RAD 101


RAD 110


RAD 120


Total Credit Hours:20

FYE 101: Available online in 1st semester or in person at SVCC.

Spring semester, first year

IAI Course
BIO 1008Anatomy & Physiology II


ENG 1002English Composition II


C1 901R


ENG 1205Writ Comm Skills for Bus Ind & Tech



SPH 1001Fundamentals of Speech


C2 900

PSY 1000General Psychology


S6 900

RAD 102


RAD 111


RAD 121


Total Credit Hours:25

Summer semester, first year

IAI Course
RAD 103


RAD 122


Total Credit Hours:5

Fall semester, second year

IAI Course
RAD 200


RAD 201


RAD 220


RAD 221


Total Credit Hours:13

Spring semester, second year

IAI Course
RAD 202


RAD 223


RAD 222


RAD 224


Total Credit Hours:13

Total Credit Hours: 70

ALH 1001: B or higher is required in ALH 1001.

*FYE 101 is waived with an Associate's degree or higher.

**Mathematics Electives: MTH 1206 or MTH 1003 or MTH 1005 or MTH 1008 is recommended (Once a math class is completed, you cannot take a lower level course for additional bonus points, MTH 1206 is considered lower than MTH 1003, MTH 1005, or MTH 1008). MTH 1000 not accepted.

PSY 1000 is highly recommended but any IAI approved Social Science will do.

Prior to program application:

Students must meet minimum requirements for English, math, and anatomy & physiology as well as meet minimum cumulative grade point average requirements prior to applying for admission to the radiologic technology program at SVCC. Students will also be required to attend a program information session, take the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS), create a progression plan with an SVCC Academic Advisor, and have two references submit recommendation forms by the application deadline in order to complete the application process (see below). Important!! Students seeking admission after one year at IVCC should have completed BIO 1007 and a MTH class (from list above) by the end of their Fall Semester.

  • Students who wish to apply to the Radiologic Technology program MUST attend a RAD TECH informational meeting. Meetings are held once a month. Please call Sauk Valley Admissions & Records or Academic Advising at 815-835-6354 or 815-835-6273 to register for the meeting.
  • Assessment Technologies Inc. (ATI) valid printout for the Heath Occupations Basic Entrance test (TEAS). Go to to set up an account for testing at SVCC. After the account has been established, contact the SVCC Testing Center (815-835-6530) to schedule the test date. A test fee is required. No minimum score, but extra points are awarded for scores (70+/2 pts, 60-69/1 pt.)
  • Students must meet with the Radiologic Technology advisor prior to submitting the program application. Please contact Mandy Aldridge at SVCC Student Services Office at 815-835-6390 to schedule an appointment to meet with the academic advisor.
  • Submit required paperwork including program application and two letters of recommendation.

Extra points for admission may be earned by taking any of the following:

  • BIO 1008 (needed for graduation, however can earn extra points in admission), 1009
  • CHM 1004, CHM 1006
  • PHY 1001, PHY 2003
  • MTH 1008, MTH 1005, MTH 1006, MTH 1007
  • Any IAI course in the Humanities and Fine Arts can be taken (max 2 courses for 1 pt each) with the exception of History courses. History courses at SVCC are part of the Social and Behavioral Sciences.
  • RAD 100 @ SVCC for .5 pts (RAD 100-Introduction to Radiologic Technology (.5 credits) should be taken at SVCC as soon as possible (fill out Coop Agreement). Admission to the program is not required to enroll and it is offered FA, SP, SU)
